Les Merlufleaux
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Content :
. His catholic Majesty : Henry VIII or the art of taming the shrews
. Shakespeare William a Stratford lad and his cockatrice (1564-1616)
. William the Conqueror or "We shall never surrender !"
. Lewis Carroll (1833-1893)
. Mallarmé Stephane (1842-1898)
. Poissard Catechism...,La Fille de Madame Angot, Religious Chronicle...
. How are you, Nononcle ? or by what miracle "the horse of Rabelais was passed a Doctor at Orange under the name of Johannes Cavallus"
. "Beau-Richard and the laughers on his side Tale of something that happened at Château - Thierry - 1665"
. This is a life of bohemia, or the art of interpreting Shakespeare's "The Winter's Tale". (1564-1616)
. Meudon Observatory, February 1748 For how long have you been of the astronomical sect?
. Epistolarian Voltaire Entrance examination for the ENA : First Night
. To Stéphane Mallarmé, Professor at the Lycée Papa, at the Lycée Papi... - Concours Général (competition between all the lycées at baccalauréat level - Harraps) - (Centenary of the Lycée Papi, 1984)
. 1987 - 1st October - Chronicle : The lycée Febus celebrates its 100th anniversary
. Inspectorate General for State Education / Mirotons-Navets / Rat Squad
. Viscount Chosibus leaves for Aquitania Novempopulana
. Miss Arsinoé
. Cosi fan Tutte or Maria Aparatchika in Bohemia
. Wagner, Mallarmé and the Quest of the Grail
. Donizetti, Walter Scott, Clément Marot and a few others...
. Balances of the financial year
. To come
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. Dans le Journal de Matthieu Galey
. Prix Edredon Polyspires
. "English stutter" (bégaiement oxonien)
. You, English gentlemen, had better surrender !
. Maison de Jean de la Fontaine à Château-Thierry
. Accordons donc nos joyeux violons
. Les vraies pensées sortent de la panse
. Edward Morgan Forster
. L'enseignement a besoin d'un sérieux coup de balai du secondaire au supérieur
. Townsend Peter, Esq., Général d'Aviation
. Cucco di mamma
. Roméo et Juliette 95 ou les nouveaux théâtreux
. A qui ne va qu'au Sur-G et pas encore jusqu'au Z
. République des Lettres ou derniers Salons où l'on cause
. Dany le Rouge, Président des Verts